近日,全球创意设计领域最具影响力的国际奖项之一, 2021美国MUSE Design Awards获奖名单揭晓,众多中国项目入选。

MUSE Design Awards创办于美国纽约,由历史悠久的国际奖项协会International Awards Associates(IAA)主办,旨在发掘和表彰建筑、室内、时尚等六大设计领域的杰出者。

MUSE Design Awards作为一项国际比赛,旨在为拥有精湛工艺转变范式的设计师提供帮助,并在此过程中重新定义了界限和范围,就像缪斯女神一样。2021MUSE Design Awards继续吸引全球的目光,收到了来自全球的海量参赛作品,评审团继续秉承赛事一贯“严格的评审体系和高质量的评判标准”,最终筛选出了具有代表性的高质量优秀作品。MUSE 设计奖评审团在其广泛的评审社区中汲取了丰富的专业知识,评审团由在各自领域表现出色的受人尊敬和经验丰富的专业人士组成,运用行业知识和特定类别的技能来评估每个奖项。

Greenland Zigong Gaoxin Xinli City Exhibition Center

这是绿地自贡新里城中的一个单体建筑,它的建筑面积约413.59平方米,前期的功能主要是售楼处,后期将改造为博物馆。“如春在花,如盐在水”,在本次设计中,我们充分考虑了周边商业条件,以周边商业影响较大及未来可能性为重点,结合当地盐文化及基地现状。设计灵感来源于“盐都”的盐文化。取盐晶体颗粒叠加和通透感的体量形式,体现文化内涵。充分借助光与影的时光交错,形成美轮美奂的光影建筑。This is a singlebuilding in Greenland Zigong Xinli City, with a construction area of about413.59 square meters. The main function in the early stage is the sales office,and it will be transformed into a museum in the later stage.'Like spring inflowers, like salt in water', in this design, we have fully considered thesurrounding commercial conditions, focused on the greater impact of thesurrounding business and future possibilities, combined with the local saltculture and the current situation of the base. The design inspiration comesfrom the salt culture of the "salt capital". The volume form of saltcrystal particle superposition and permeability reflects the culturalconnotation. Make full use of the time interleaving of light and shadow to forma beautiful light and shadow building.

Wuhan Greenland Tianhe International Convention and Exhibition City Planning Exhibition Hall

本案位于会展中心、居住、文化体育三大板块交汇处,区域干道交汇的核心,是绿地国际会展城项目整体的重要形象门户、桥头堡。项目建筑面积仅6372㎡,却承载了区域规划发展展示与见证的重要历史使命,代表着武汉“后疫情时代”的崛起与发展的期待。建筑立面以虚实结合的手法,二层立面以石材为主凸显了建筑的庄重,一层及三层的玻璃幕墙则彰显了现代建筑的灵动。建筑秉承“中式形韵”的建筑美学思想,以现代建筑形式体现了绿地筑城对在地性和未来性相结合的开发理念。The project is located at the intersection of the three plates of Convention and Exhibition Center, residence, culture and sports, and the core of the intersection of regional trunk roads. It is an important image portal and bridgehead of the overall project of Greenland International Convention and Exhibition City. The building area is only 6372㎡, but it carries the important historical mission of displaying and witnessing regional planning and development, representing the expectation of the rise and development of Wuhan in the "post epidemic era".The facade of the building adopts the combination of virtual and real. The facade on the second floor is mainly made of stone, highlighting the solemnity of the building, and the glass curtain walls on the first and third floors highlight the flexibility of modern architecture.In terms of design concept, the project adheres to the architectural aesthetic idea of "Chinese style form and rhyme", and embodies the development concept of combining local and future nature of green space city building in the form of modern architecture.

Exhibition Centre of Heda Happy City

项目位于青岛市即墨区,由住宅与优展区组成,设计以折纸为概念切入,以变化丰富的折线手法与虚实相间的立面处理相结合,旨在表达转折流婉,体态舒展的造型艺术,通过折纸的概念,融入对生活的想象,为建筑插上梦想的翅膀。同时将内部功能与形体相结合,不同的功能模块有序排列,突出空间主体,内部动线便捷且不失趣味,结合景观的自然表达,在保证形体灵动的同时,营造舒适的建筑空间。使功能、造型、材料、光影多元有机结合,赋予建筑新的意义。Located in Jimo District, Qingdao, Heda Happy City is composed of residence and the exhibition area. We take origami as the concept of the exhibition center and combine the broken line technique with the facade treatment of virtual and real to show the sense of turning, flowing and strentching. The concept of origami integrates the imagination of life and inserts the wings of dream into architecture. In terms of internal architectural functions, we combine shape modeling to orderly arrange different functional modules and highlight the main body of the space. Therefore, the internal moving line is convenient and interesting. Coupled with the external natural landscape language, while ensuring the flexibility of the body, the internal architectural space is also very comfortable. To sum up, we endow the building with new significance through the organic combination of modeling, function, materials, light and shadow and other elements.

Greenland Lishui Wuxiang Museum

This case is located at the foot of Wuxiang Mountain in Lishui, Nanjing. It is the image portal and display node of the entire Lishui health care industry sector, and its importance is self-evident. In the early, it needs to exist as the demonstration area display center and sales center of the project, and in the last, it will become the function of the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Museum.

Exhibition Center of Foshan Xinchuang science and Technology Industrial Park

本项目位于项目位于佛山市高明区西江新城,荷富路与明湖南路交叉口西北处。展示中心是整个园区的核心,是以展示展陈发展招商等为主的现代化复合型展示中心,是园区发展的重要驱动力,同时兼有办公休闲餐饮等辅助配套功能,为企业提供全方位的服务支持的同时,也是一个知识信息共享及传递的重要载体。建筑形象采用现代手法,融入科技主题,入口处采用透明格栅屏,体现建筑的科技感。材料选用玻璃与金属的搭配,轻盈与厚重反差感的强化,错落在空间里,碰撞出一种平静的秩序之美,让视觉、情感和欲望都在此得到满足。The project is located in Xijiang New City, Gaoming District, Foshan City, northwest of the intersection of Hefu road and minghunan road.The exhibition center is the core of the whole industrial park. It is a modern composite center focusing on exhibition arrangement and investment attraction. It is an important driving force for the development of the industrial park. Its function contains office, leisure and catering. It not only provides comprehensive service support for enterprises, but also an important carrier for knowledge and information sharing and transmission.The architectural image adopts modern techniques and integrates the theme of science and technology. The transparent grid screen is adopted at the entrance to reflect the sense of science and technology of the building.The materials are made of glass and metal, and the contrast between lightness and massiness is strengthened. They are scattered in the space and collide with the beauty of calm order, so that vision, emotion and desire can be met here.

Heda Central City Project

和达中心城项目位于山东青岛,主要功能包括商业、办公和居住,占地约5.2万平方米,建筑面积约33万平方米。根据基地地坪北低南高的特点,我们在设计过程中,将各个功能区块形成群落设计,利用高差形成了起伏的天际线。因此,整个建筑群在造型上富有动态感。平面的商业布局上,我们设置了7个平层入口,以及3个首层动线体系,这样的设计使得本项目在落地运营后商业价值得到了最大化的提升。Heda Central City project is located in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Its main functions include commerce, office and residence. It covers an area of about 52000 square meters and a construction area of about 330000 square meters.
According to the characteristics of low level in the north and high level in the south of the base, in the design process, each functional block is formed into a community design, and the undulating skyline is formed by using the height difference. Therefore, the whole building complex is dynamic in shape.In the plane commercial layout, we have set up 7 flat floor entrances and 3 first floor moving line systems. This design maximizes the commercial value of the project after it is put into operation.

在重庆融创茂项目的打造上,我们充分借鉴重庆地域特色—武隆喀斯特地貌。通过深入调研,我们将富有艺术之美的自然元素天衣无缝的融入其中,将喀斯特地貌的“雄、美、奇、秀”巧妙运用到项目设计之中。在空间的设计上,我们将自然元素与现代科技充分结合,紧密围绕天生桥的自然特性。这种跨界的设计组合,充分展现了我们对创新在深度和广度上的追求。红色造型贯穿整个外立面,三条天桥宛若三条巨龙,横贯云霄,成功地将天生桥中的天龙桥、青龙桥与黑龙桥相契合,将这些意向巧妙的融入项目之中。In the design of Chongqing Sunac Mall project, we fully learn from the regional characteristics of Chongqing - Wulong karst landform. Through in-depth research, we seamlessly integrate the natural elements rich in artistic beauty, and skillfully apply the 'majestic, beautiful and strange' of karst landform to the project design.In terms of space design, we fully combine natural elements with modern science and technology, closely focusing on the natural characteristics of Tiansheng bridge. This cross-border design combination fully shows our pursuit of innovation in depth and breadth. The red shape runs through the whole facade. The three overpasses are like three dragons, crossing the sky. They successfully fit the Tianlong bridge, Qinglong bridge and Heilong bridge in Tiansheng bridge, and skillfully integrate these intentions into the project.

The facade design of Xining Haihu Wanda Plaza takes "hada" as the theme. Through parametric simulation design, the main arc of "hada" is extracted from repeated deliberation. Then, on the main interface of the building, a large area of white metal perforated plate is used to create a simple and atmospheric shape through soft and smooth curves, creating a white and holy hada image. The design of the door head of the two entrances and exits comes from the Tibetan "prayer flags".Through the simplification and extraction of elements, it focuses on the expression of shape and the search for rhyme. The modeling of the two candle towers is an extension of the modeling design of the large commercial facade. Drawing on the characteristics of local residential buildings, after research and refinement, the outer wall is white as the tone and decorated with red blocks, and the whole building facade is consistent.